
EdTech Denmark – EdViCon networking -and dissemination partner

EdTech Denmark (ETDK) is an NGO and participates in this strategic partnership to lead the dissemination of the project. ETDK has previously collaborated with DTU in research and development with Danish EdTech professionals in academia, public service organisations, EdTech companies and e-learning service implementation organisations. 

In addition to the overall dissemination, ETDK will part-take in the promotion of multiplier events, teaching/training activities and thereby contributes to the desired impact that the project seeks to achieve. Among the project’s multiple partners, ETDK holds the significance of a networking role. Through outreach to networks and communities, ETDK will ensure good dissemination of the project while engaging stakeholders. EDTK will therefore not participate in actual research work (Rs).

EdViCon will have six multiplier events with the purpose to share research results around the world. EDTK will be responsible to invite all interested from the Danish EdTech industry to participate, engage, learn, and implement the derived best practices into their educational work. The promotion and dissemination of EdViCon and its activities will be published on the project’s website, mailing lists, open events, webinars, social media, etc. 

Finally, ETD will be the host of the sixth and final multiplier event in Denmark on November 5th, 2024 (tentative). 

To conclude the first year of running EdViCon, ETDK is responsible for delivering the first dissemination report to log in the disseminating activities conducted by all the EdViCon partners.

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