HCII2023 – EdViCon presented
After several years of keeping the conference HCII online, this summer finally it was back in a hybrid format, and attendees could join physically in beautiful Copenhagen, Denmark. The first three days were solemnly virtual presentations, whilst from Wednesday, 26th July 2023 till Friday, 28th July 2023, all presentations were held live and streamed to remote participants.
EdViCon had submitted two articles for the conference, which will be published by Springer during autumn. Partners from NTNU participated with the article “Discovering Best Practices for Educational Video Conferencing Systems”, written by Tord Talmo and Mikhail Fominykh, on Sunday, 23th July 2023. Mr. Talmo presented the results from focus group and individual interviews at NTNU, Norway. The focus was mainly on displaying recommendations and possible best practices based on interpretations of the data collected.
On Wednesday, 26th July 2023, it was Mr. Khalid from DTU, Denmark, turn to present the article written by himself, T. A. B. Tretow-Fish and M. Parveen, named “Scenarios, Methods, and Didactics in Teaching Using Video-Conferencing Systems and Interactive Tools: Empirical Investigation on Problems and Good Practices“. In front of live audience, Mr. Khalid focused mainly on results from the focus group workshops, and explained how the problems, causes for these and effects influence the signature pedagogies being used in VC-teaching, and how one needs to design portable EdViCon packs to mitigate problems and ensure that teachers are able to operate and use such kits.
HCII2023 was a good experience, and EdViCon was able to present solid insight into the first phase of the project. The interesting questions and positive comments after presentations shows that the research been done has potential for impact beyond the project itself.
Both articles can be found in the Springer publication.