XR eLearning Technology for training employees to use technology
The video eLearning platform uQualio, is the business partner of the Erasmus+ EdViCon project where the toolkits will be presented and taught at the end of the project. uQualio has been a part of the MADE ‘Learning Factory’ project in which VIA University College and MADE – Manufacturing Academy Denmark have experimented with a number of digital learning technologies – Argumented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Assisted Reality – for training employees in production companies.
Fresh from the project comes a set of results gauging the pros and cons of investing in the different technologies.
The market for learning technologies is in rapid development, however large parts are still unknown waters. Many SMEs lack knowledge about the usage and benefits of digital technologies for training their employees and so the project set out to test what technologies work and don’t work for different training purposes.
At VIA University Colleges Learning Factory, the students experienced difficulties with learning how to turn on the FESTO technology. The increasing implementation of digital learning technologies in educational practices causes an increasing digital inequality owing to the difficulty that employees experience in operating the technology. There is a big talent demand for people with digital competencies from especially SME’s who wish to digitize to stay competitive. But if the learning technologies are not equally intuitive to use for both the tech savvy and those less savvy, then the technology that was meant to help will leave students, employees, and SME’s disadvantaged on the market. This sparked not only the interest, but also the necessity for conducting the experiment.
The results
The experiment shows that the test results became increasingly worse, the more technological complex a solution became. Many people never make use of the technology that was intended to help them, because it is not intuitive. The greatest potential for democratic learning technology is found to be XR learning technologies such as platforms with video manuals that train people how to use the technology.
uQualio as EdViCon Platform
The video manual is a technology that everyone can master. CEO of uQualio, a successful eLearning Platform and EdViCon partner, says about the project “It is great to know that it is being prioritized to develop an educational video conferencing kit that can be used by those who are less technical”. EdVicon project will be using the uQualio platform to develop training modules on technological and pedagogical aspects of educational use of Video Conferencing systems and interactive tools. It promises to be intuitive for all to use, Hatla continues to stress “It is important that the technology is easy, quick and intuitive to understand how it works and the MADE study showed that it is possible to develop in the shape of XR learning”.
uQualio recently changed their brand identity to new colors and logo that will be announced along a new corporate website. Read the news here.
Read more and be directed to the Learning Factory project on uQualio’s website: Video, AR, VR, REALWEAR – WHICH LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES WORK FOR WHAT? where you can also find a matrix summarizing the results.